Oxeye Game Studio » House Globe http://www.oxeyegames.com Creative Games Wed, 29 Nov 2017 08:29:26 +0000 http://wordpress.org/?v=2.8.4 en hourly 1 New House Globe http://www.oxeyegames.com/new-house-globe/ http://www.oxeyegames.com/new-house-globe/#comments Tue, 03 Feb 2009 19:56:18 +0000 http://www.oxeyegames.com/new-house-globe/ We’ve updated the Windows version of House Globe with a small synchronization fix. It turned out that floating point numbers got all messed up on some computers, but that won’t happen any longer. I recommend you use this version if you plan to play online and record replays.

Linkage: http://www.oxeyegames.com/files/ourglobe/HouseGlobe.zip


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New House Globe, with Strategy Tips http://www.oxeyegames.com/new-house-globe-with-strategy-tips/ http://www.oxeyegames.com/new-house-globe-with-strategy-tips/#comments Sat, 06 Sep 2008 15:28:38 +0000 http://www.oxeyegames.com/new-house-globe-with-strategy-tips/ We’ve made a new version of Artifact’s House Globe, adding the following changes:

  • Settings are saved to HouseGlobe.cfg, so you don’t need to re-type ip numbers or ports.
  • You can now enter your name when you play multi-player games.
  • You can chat (press enter to begin typing, and enter again to send).
  • The restart command has been moved to Cmd+R (Ctrl+R on Windows).

The replays of this new version is not compatible with older versions, so the file extension has been changed to “hg3″. However, “hg2″ replays are still compatible with this version, so simply rename them if you want to keep them for later.

Downloads are available here:

Hit the jump for some strategy tips!

There are a couple of different strategies that can be used in the game. The initial question is usually how many Harvesters to build. They key point here is that since unit construction and researching use separate build queues, you should always begin Catcher research if you have 300 minerals and an non-empty build queue. Likewise, you should probably build a Harvester if you have 150 minerals and your Catcher research is at 75% or less, depending on if you are going to research frigates next.

I usually use two different opening strategies. Either I build no Harvesters before Catcher research, or I build two. It depends on how much resources that are next to your Maternal Vessel when the game begins. Lots of resources – quick research, far-away resources – build Harvesters.

The next decision is what to do when Catcher research is done. Now it starts to get really interesting! One option is to go all Catchers, which is not such a bad idea. The next research option would then be Catcher Speed, and then keep pumping Catchers. Catchers don’t deal a lot of damage to big ships, but if you have 15-20 of them they still take down Harvesters quite easily. They also beat most enemy ships once the speed upgrade is done.

If your opponent decides to go mass Catchers and you don’t, you will need to know how to handle with the situation. Catchers will initially not be able to harm your Maternal Vessel, so keep her close to your Harvesters to protect them as well. If you have built your own Catchers, keep them safe unless you have more of them than your opponent (and his speed upgrade isn’t done yet). If you have detected your opponent’s strategy in time you should not need to worry, simply get the frigate upgrade and begin building Attack Frigates. That will force the opponent to switch to another unit type, and his speed upgrade is more or less wasted. In any case, don’t try to counter with Blasters. Shadow Fighters could work in theory, but they’re more expensive than Catchers and a long way down the technology tree.

If you are going mass Catchers yourself and are moderately successful at harassing and claiming map dominance, you should try to upgrade hi-tech and frigates while you keep up your harassment. When those technologies have been added you will be able to build a single Plasmagun Frigate. With good microing it should be able to handle with Attack Frigates that your opponent has built to deal with your Catchers, and finally burn down the Maternal Vessel and win the game. Also, with hi-tech, getting a few Blasters will help a lot against the opponent’s Attack Frigates.

Though the mass Catcher opening is great, it’s not the only option you have to win the game. Catchers can be dealt with early on, while their numbers are still low. Get hi-tech research and build a handful of Catchers while it’s progressing, and then get a squad of Blasters. Though speed-upgraded Catchers will beat Blasters, Blasters are a lot more useful at killing Harvesters. This could possibly give you an economic advantage.

Another option is to skip the Blasters altogether and go for quick Shadow Figthers. Shadow Fighters will more or less neutralize Catchers as long as you are able to keep their Inspectors away. However, getting Shadow Fighters takes a long time, so you should build Catchers for your defense while you wait. Once there, get Web technology as well since it makes the Shadow Fighters so much stronger against big ships, including Harvesters.

One strategy which I think is fun, but maybe not so effective, is to go all-in on a Maternal Vessel assassination. The strategy is to get a Plasmagun Frigate as soon as possible, and send it straight for the opponent’s Maternal Vessel. If he has gone for mass Catchers or the Shadow Fighter rush, he may not be able to stop your frigate in time since they deal so little damage to big ships. However, if you choose this strategy, make sure you get frigate upgrade before hi-technology, because it will allow you to build an Attack Frigate for defense.

In any case, I believe there are even more ways of dealing with the game. I haven’t even touched the subject of Missile Hulks, which clearly are cost-effective in the late game (especially on maps that are larger than the default “2″ setting). Please let me know if you have more ideas, or – even better – replay files!


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House Globe, Space RTS in the Second Dimension http://www.oxeyegames.com/house-globe-space-rts-in-the-second-dimension/ http://www.oxeyegames.com/house-globe-space-rts-in-the-second-dimension/#comments Sat, 30 Aug 2008 19:00:22 +0000 http://www.oxeyegames.com/house-globe-space-rts-in-the-second-dimension/ Warning: getimagesize(http://www.oxeyegames.com/wp-includes/images/smilies/icon_smile.gif) [function.getimagesize]: failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden in /var/www/oxeyegames.com/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/awsompixgallery/pixgallery.php on line 1101
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Remember “Because it’s fun, Fay?” It was a game we made for the TIGSource Procedural Generation Competition, held earlier this summer. We created it using our Lua script engine, Daisy Moon, which we usually use when we want to prototype different game ideas (we also use Multi-media Fusion sometimes, depending on the situation). The game [...]]]>
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Remember “Because it’s fun, Fay?” It was a game we made for the TIGSource Procedural Generation Competition, held earlier this summer. We created it using our Lua script engine, Daisy Moon, which we usually use when we want to prototype different game ideas (we also use Multi-media Fusion sometimes, depending on the situation). The game turned out to be a two-player platform game with one character living in a rotated dimension, and with a JRPG end-boss fight. Maybe not our greatest game, but if you haven’t tried it, you can find it here.

Now it’s time for a new TIGSource competition and a new game! This time the theme is Bootleg Demakes, and people have posted over 100 threads about competition projects. A “bootleg” means “inofficial copy” and “demake” means “that is made to look as though it were running on older-generation hardware”. We could obviously not resist competing again and, using our Daisy Moon engine once more, created House Globe.

Hit the jump for the full story!

Artifact’s House Globe – 2D Real-time Strategy Game

Our competition entry is a demake of the classic Homeworld by Relic. If you haven’t played it, the short story is that Homeworld is a real-time strategy game in space. Your fleet is centered around your Mothership, which constructs units and is the drop-off zone for resources. In the game you are travelling through space in order to find your homeworld, while evil aliens attempt to destroy you (obviously).

When we began making the game we set our hardware target at the PC games of the mid-ninetees, think Dune 2 (i.e. the 320×240 resolution is intentional). We wanted to translate Homeworld’s 3D view to a flat 2D version, while keeping the key features that made Homeworld the game it is. That means your Mothership (called Maternal Vessel in House Globe) is the center piece of your fleet and will construct all units. It also means that we wanted to keep the tactical/strategical toggle that Homeworld has.

Beyond those initial concepts, we felt quite free to design our own game. We put much effort on making the “micro” part interesting (good control/response when moving units), and having a balanced technology tree. In the end we believe we managed to make a really good game in only 10 days or so.


  • 2D RTS
  • Single-player practice vs the computer
  • 1on1 online multi-player
  • Replay recordings of multi-player games



Check the readme for game controls (it’s fairly inituitive). If you play any multi-player games, please send us the replay files! And… have fun! :)

/ jeb

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