March 7th, 2014
Ladies and gentlefaces, it’s the moment you’ve all been waiting for: The intel report!
Trif’s here, and I’d like to say that I like jeb’s beard. And frequent updates. So I stole both. Okay, maybe just one of them.
v124i Alpha of Cobalt is out in the wild, and I want you to download it! “But Trif, where did v124c go?!” I learned that Oxeye had several prototypes waiting to be snatched, so I took the shiniest one! We’ll take a look after staring at this glorious animated picture!

- But they don’t even have wings!
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May 10th, 2013
Hi again! The last update was some time ago now, too long in fact! This is not a post to announce a new update, but to give some insight into what is going on.
Hit the jump for the full read.
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November 29th, 2012
I want to thank everyone who showed interest in Cobalt during Minecon 2012! It was a fantastic weekend for us and I really enjoyed helping people around the Cobalt areas. We held our first official 1v1 DM tournament, in which community member Acontin won first place followed by Ivar from Sweden.
The version used at Minecon was v116 ALPHA, and is not yet available for download. Among other things, it featured a new game mode called Challenge. In Challenge, you focus on doing things as fast as possible, like getting from point A to B. Today we created more maps for the mode. Here is a sneak preview:

We have also added local high score lists with epic voice acting feedback by Kinten to all relevant game modes:

Huge thanks to all the volunteers during Minecon that made it all possible!
Thats it for today!
Good night!
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August 25th, 2012
Hi! In this post I will be musing on the following topics:
- The last couple updates
- A new reload related feature
- Outdoor climate colors
- A community lead map making contest
Hit the jump for the full read!
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April 18th, 2012
Are you looking for help on how to use the editor? Do you need to know how to rotate or scale a tile?
Puffdot on the cobalt forums has a great post that summarizes the hot-keys as well a number of other tips!
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April 9th, 2012
Cobalt v103 Alpha is finally ready, and it contains improvements in many spread out unrelated areas, however, the biggest addition is the Map Editor! For the people who have accessed the editor previously, there is a huge amount of unlisted changes that have been made, but for the others, this will simply be the first encounter with making your own maps.
Bugs discovered post upload:
- Due to the reorganization of the maps, there are some oddities if you are updating from v102. You might see some duplicate maps with different names in your menu. If this happens, reinstall the game from a v103, or clean out the maps folder prior to updating. (all map files that does NOT have a .localization file next to it are old.)
- The map editor will crash if you try to place a tile that has a default ID (which goes for a lot of important tiles). This crash is bad enough that if you are already using the map editor, it is advisable to keep separate installations.
If you find bugs, please post them at we will be making another update tomorrow!
Hit more to read all about it!
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