July 14th, 2015
Hello Minecon 2015!

Vu and Lydia taking it away!
Last weekend (4-5 july) we attended Minecon in London with a 10 computer booth running Cobalt. It was an amazing weekend which superseded our expectations in all ways imaginable. Here is just a small sample of what was going on:
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September 15th, 2014
As all of you know we’re developing Cobalt in partnership with Mojang and throughout the process they’ve provided us with much needed support – they’ve provided us with a place to work, they helped us find and form our partnership with Fatshark AB to port the game to console, they helped us in our talks with the owners of the major game consoles currently on the market, they helped us show the game at Pax and at all three Minecons just to name a few business-y things. But first and foremost they’ve made us feel at home in the Mojang family and we’ve made friends for life working with them.
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November 29th, 2012
I want to thank everyone who showed interest in Cobalt during Minecon 2012! It was a fantastic weekend for us and I really enjoyed helping people around the Cobalt areas. We held our first official 1v1 DM tournament, in which community member Acontin won first place followed by Ivar from Sweden.
The version used at Minecon was v116 ALPHA, and is not yet available for download. Among other things, it featured a new game mode called Challenge. In Challenge, you focus on doing things as fast as possible, like getting from point A to B. Today we created more maps for the mode. Here is a sneak preview:

We have also added local high score lists with epic voice acting feedback by Kinten to all relevant game modes:

Huge thanks to all the volunteers during Minecon that made it all possible!
Thats it for today!
Good night!
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July 23rd, 2012
Hi everyone!
Oxeye just attended No More Sweden and made two small games! No more sweden usually offers words to base your game around and we got Evolution, Simulation and One Button Game. You can see screenshots of Cells and EvoBeats and what we are up to now in the gallery down below!
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April 3rd, 2012
Hi everyone!
As some of you may know, many in Mojang and the whole lot of them Oxeye went to GDC/IGF this year. For me (thewreck) it was mostly to visit enchanting San Francisco and meet (hug) other developers, while for others – like notch who had speaking obligations – things were a bit less casual. Even while engorging myself in all the casual fun I managed to fit a bunch of work on Cobalt, alas I managed to catch the flu and was knocked out for the better part of the weekend following gdc.
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December 27th, 2011
Hey hey!
Some of you have had problems with your Mojang accounts, but we don’t have access to the account or billing systems so we are unfortunately not able to help you. If you have a problem with your Mojang account, gift codes or billing, please use Mojang’s support system here: http://help.mojang.com, or send them an email here: http://help.mojang.com/customer/portal/emails/new
However, if you have a problem with Cobalt itself, such as installing, starting the game or have another game-related question, feel free to contact us on the Cobalt GetSatisfaction page, or get help from the community at the Cobalt forums!
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