Archive for the ‘Music’ Category

October 19th, 2010

Cobalt music: Main Theme of Cobalt

Why hello there, let me introduce myself. My name is Mattias (also known as anosou) and I’m the composer responsible for the music in Cobalt. While this mainly means I’m composing the music for Cobalt I also have a lot to say about the musical direction and help take decisions regarding how the music is handled in-game. Nothing fancy really but incredibly rewarding. This also makes it logical for me to talk about the music of Cobalt and that’s why I wrote this post you’re reading! So, I suggest hitting the jump below for some inside info on the Main Theme of Cobalt!

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August 16th, 2010

Project B’s Music Composer: anosou!

We should’ve posted about this earlier, but for the last few weeks Mattias Häggström Gerdt (anosou) has been working on the music for Project B. Mattias has made the soundtracks for games in the past, such as Kaleidoscope, and is an active contributor to OverClocked ReMix.

Here’s a picture of him from his interview at


We’ll post a music preview for Project B “soon” :) In the meantime, please say hi to Mattias in the comments!


April 10th, 2010

Oxeye Theme Song

I’ll just leave this here… :)

And oh… Haowan is Alex May, maker of stuff like Cottage of DOOM and IGF-nominated Eufloria/Dyson! (It’s not he who is singing, though.)

/ jeb

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