Archive for the ‘Cobalt’ Category

November 29th, 2017

Cobalt WASD Out This Thursday!

We are overjoyed to let you know Cobalt WASD will be out this Thursday, November 30, 2017! Check out the awesome launch trailer here!

Find out more on or head directly to the Steam store page!

June 1st, 2017

Introducing Cobalt W.A.S.D.

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February 2nd, 2016

Cobalt is now available!

We are super happy to announce that Cobalt is now available on Steam, Xbox One, and Xbox 360!

Here’s the Steam store page:

And here’s Cobalt on

January 18th, 2016

COBALT Launches February 2!


Cobalt is coming to Steam, Xbox One, and Xbox 360 on February 2! The game will cost $19.99, and comes with a single-player story campaign, challenge maps, co-op survival maps, and several multiplayer game modes for both local and online play.

Check out the full release post in the Mojang blog!

If you’ve pre-purchased the alpha you will get a Steam code added to your Mojang account. We will only release the Windows version now, so Mac and Linux users will have to wait just a little bit longer. This is because we switched game engines (from DaisyMoon to Stingray) in order to add online multiplayer.

July 14th, 2015

Cobalt @ Minecon 2015 in London

Hello Minecon 2015!

Here we are!

Vu and Lydia taking it away!

Last weekend (4-5 july) we attended Minecon in London with a 10 computer booth running Cobalt. It was an amazing weekend which superseded our expectations in all ways imaginable. Here is just a small sample of what was going on:

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May 5th, 2015

Xbox controllers in v125


This is a quick update to the state of “more than four xbox controllers in cobalt”.

Due to the comments on the last post, I realized the fix was rather trivial.

In v125 all xbox controllers after the forth will instead be added as direct input devices. This means they will be slightly less featured, lacking force feedback and worse analog trigger support. But it will work:


I tried this with 4 wired xbox 360 controllers, and 1 wireless xbox 360 controllers using a usb-dongle receiver.


April 9th, 2015

Preview: v125 screenshots


We are working on v125! Things that we have done to far include:

  • Adventure mode
  • Reworked gamemodes
  • Polished and reworked maps
  • Lots of new community maps included in the game
  • Improved flow
  • More options in game modes
  • Optimizations
  • How to play section
  • Improved controls view

We are currently focusing mainly on game stability and optimizations.

Here are a bunch of progress shots:


Improved player setup flow


Improved level selector


Improved and updated maps and modes







Improved controls view

Improved controls view

February 22nd, 2015

This week in Cobalt #7

More big changes!

Welcome back!

Did you enjoy last weekend’s post? Well if you did, more awesomeness is awaiting you… so click that read more button now!

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February 15th, 2015

This week in Cobalt #6

Big changes incoming!

Hello everyone! It’s time for a blogpost again! And this time, I bring you news about some big changes that some of us will get to test in the next prerelease so you can have an awesome experience once v125 is out!

Hit “read more” to learn more about these big changes!

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January 18th, 2015

This week in Cobalt #5

We’re back in action!
Hello everyone! Enjoying the new year?
Hit that read more button to see what I have for you today!
(read more here)
Cobalt visits Trunkopia
After 45 years in space, Cobalt has finally reached its destination… Time to go around visiting places and taking pictures of emblematic alien stuff!
Oh, a mission you say? I guess Cobalt can do all at the same time!
I wonder what those things looked like when they were alive…
Cobalt’s first touristic stop are some caves in one of the coldest areas of Trunkopia, where one can admire vestiges of an ancient age.
Who might he be?
Just arrived and someone’s already talking about the mission!
Cobalt can’t enjoy a bit of touristic sightseeing without being annoyed right away, clearly.
It appears Cobalt was being awaited… some unclear business seems to be happening around the old Trunkopolis human colony, so Cobalt’s personal affairs need to wait.
Cobalt meets some robotic locals
Apparently they don’t seem to enjoy Cobalt’s visit, which is a shame. Maybe they would have been able to show Cobalt around.
The non-robotic locals seem to be a bit nicer
After leaving Trunkopia’s snowy region, Cobalt arrives to a somewhat crowded Mycelian town. In the picture Cobalt can be seen posing next to a famous museum.
However it seems that the locals are having some trouble as well… will Cobalt ever be able to relax for a bit?
Inside the old base and the caves
After leaving the town, Cobalt encounters some sort of abandoned base. It seems that the base is also the entrance to a small cave system, home to the baddies who attacked the Mycelian town.
Their building style is quite unique, so Cobalt decides to take a picture of it as well.
That’s not very nice of them
After some time spent shooting, rolling and collecting loot, it looks like Cobalt is about to reach the heart of the base…
While running around, Cobalt encounters some prison cells. Apparently some fellow mycelians were captured, and they tell agent Cobalt that some time ago the baddies that live here used to trade robot parts for prisoners. What would they even use those for?
The bounce-around tunnel
After finding a secret exit, Cobalt finds itself bouncing from wall to wall, the plants making it almost impossible to progress forward…
At the same time, it seems like there’s noise coming from the other end of the cave. Something important is waiting, Cobalt can feel it.
What will Cobalt encounter at the other end of the cave?

We’re back in action!

Hello everyone! Enjoying the new year?

Hit that read more button to see what I have for you today!

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