June 12th, 2014
You asked, I tied, he responded.
A while ago, I asked you for questions for anosou, the composer of Cobalt’s soundtrack, and you didn’t let me down: Though persistent in his efforts to safeguard the secrets of his digital magic, your excellent questions and my trusty rope got a few words out of him. As promised in the latest Intel Report, here are the answers!
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June 1st, 2014
Summer at last! We made it! Put on your stainless swimsuits and enjoy the weather!
Unless you’re a winter person like your trusty information snatcher, of course. How about we stay inside and take a look at some new Adventure hotness instead?
I bring lots of delicious screenshots and a bit of accompanying banter today—and perhaps a little secret hidden somewhere in the article.

- Looks inviting, don’t you think?
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May 21st, 2014
Here’s a stream you don’t want to swim against.
In the latest Intel Report, I mentioned that I’ll be doing a map reviewing stream with the Duke soon. The battle plan has been discussed, and we’re ready to announce the stream officially!
Join us Saturday the 14th of June for a day full of maps, rolling, and Danish accents! We’ll play as many community maps as we can and discuss them live, so if you want us to play your map, leave a comment below with the link or post in the forum thread!
Time and other details will be announced once we get closer to the event. Also remember to keep an eye out on the blog for the June issue of the Intel Reports! Will we get a chance to dive into the creation process of Cobalt’s splendid soundtrack? I don’t even know myself! See you soon!
(Note: This event is fan–made, and while it is endorsed by the developers, they are not directly involved. But who knows? Maybe they’ll pop by and say hi!)
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May 4th, 2014
I apologize for the delay. I’m nailed to my chair, spending my days and nights writing the final assignments of my current education. Thank you for your patience!
It’s all starting to pay off.
In the beginning of my hobbyist hackery, I managed to uncover tidbits of information about the various versus game modes of Cobalt. While exciting, it wasn’t truly what I was searching for. But today, let’s talk a bit about the dark secret of the Oxeye Labs:
Adventure mode.

- I spy with my little eye, a robot circuit for me to fry… Work in progress.
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April 12th, 2014
The rules have changed.
I had an emergency mission this weekend which hindered this week’s edition of the Intel Reports. Unfortunately, I must ask you to wait a bit longer. We’re shaking things up a little.
Extracting Cobalt development data is getting more difficult. As a result thereof, I have decided that reports will be given on a monthly basis onwards, starting May 1st. While this means more waiting time in between the goodie bags, it also means that the bags will be even more grand!
The reports will focus mostly on development now, but there will be more posts about exciting community creations and whatever else I spy with my little eye. If you stumble upon treasure before I do, feel free to recommend it to me on Twitter so I can consider snatching it!
Stay tuned—the gold rush resumes soon!
Bonus Note
Shout-out to the Russian Cobalt community! I don’t quite understand the language, so I’m using Google Translate to follow, but their community photos are amazing! I love this one.
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April 4th, 2014
Two Metalfaces walked into a bar.
We got a few sneak peeks at the upcoming main adventure mode in Radio Cobalt, but rejoice: I bring ye fresh treasure!

- Going underground.
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March 29th, 2014
Remember kids, school is important. Do not neglect it. It will steal your time if you don’t get rid of it. Escape! Burn it down to the ground! Make school wish it never tried to educate you!
Actually, running away from school is probably a bad idea. Think of all the physics bugs we’d have if nobody had taught thewreck the arts of science.
With tests and exams all over the place, I’ve been unable to procure this week’s intel. Boo. Before running away from the fierce assault of rotten tomatoes however, I’m leaving you with a fresh community map that gives you something proper to escape from. Appropriately, it’s called The Escape, a challenge map by FabiotheTurtle! His species is not the fastest to run away from mad scientists, so he’s giving you an unusual escape method: The Predator. Here’s the trailer!
Featuring cutscenes along with some quite unique gameplay, there’s definitely an amazing amount of work put into this. Get this map and many others at the Cobalt Vault!
One more thing
Librus is arting! I love art. Do you love art? He’s currently taking requests—check out his thread on the Cobalt Forum!
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March 21st, 2014
A short report is better than no report!
Even mysterious intelligence hackers have to attend school, and as a result, some weeks I won’t be able to feed you with my inner wittiness as much as normally. This is one of those. I ran off with a few screenshots nevertheless!

- Prettier city backgrounds!
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March 14th, 2014
It’s art time!
Last week, I promised to steal Oxeye’s level art creation process. I can’t believe it, but the lab technicians actually discovered my intentions! They hired a team to counter–hack. Turns out they’re pretty cool people, so we joined forces and formed the Cobalt Investigation Agency! Comrades, get out your inner Leonardo. We’re going to the gallery.
…Just pretend that was cool, okay?! What do you think I am, a wandering wizard of words or something?
First, here’s my favorite piece of fan art as warm–up!
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March 7th, 2014
Ladies and gentlefaces, it’s the moment you’ve all been waiting for: The intel report!
Trif’s here, and I’d like to say that I like jeb’s beard. And frequent updates. So I stole both. Okay, maybe just one of them.
v124i Alpha of Cobalt is out in the wild, and I want you to download it! “But Trif, where did v124c go?!” I learned that Oxeye had several prototypes waiting to be snatched, so I took the shiniest one! We’ll take a look after staring at this glorious animated picture!

- But they don’t even have wings!
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