January 17th, 2013
v116 Alpha contains some new things which cannot be updated from the auto-updater. To get this version you must use the installer from http://assets.playcobalt.com/CobaltInstaller.exe
Hi everyone! Today we released the v116 alpha update for Cobalt.
This contains a big list of changes and bug fixes. Among the bigger things, we have added a new game mode: Challenge! For it we have added 18 new maps of varying size and difficulty. We have also added a new survival map, and updated some of the ctp and vs maps. Burntcustard also supplied us with a revamped version of the jet fuel dungeon!
For a long time we have been feeling that Cobalt has been lacking good transitional singleplayer gameplay component after tutorial. DM & CTP are more aimed towards playing with friends, and while Survival is fun for the hardcore player, it doesn’t offer a sense of completion nor any significant feeling of progress. This is where challenge mode now comes in. It offers maps in a wide range of difficulty where you can actually complete a map, as well as offering a wider range challenges and goals than just surviving. For us this is a very important component in making Cobalt a more complete game, and once we get the adventure component ready too, we feel that we will have a much more satisfactory sense of progress offered.

Hit the jump for the full change log!
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October 31st, 2012
Warning: getimagesize(http://www.oxeyegames.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/oasis.jpg) [
function.getimagesize]: failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden
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Invalid image or bad permissions [http://www.oxeyegames.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/oasis.jpg]
Hi! We have updated Cobalt to v115 Alpha. This is mainly a series of bug fixes for v114, but we have now also added the map competition winner map!

Hit the jump for the full change log!
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October 29th, 2012
Warning: getimagesize(http://www.oxeyegames.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/ship.jpg) [
function.getimagesize]: failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden
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Invalid image or bad permissions [http://www.oxeyegames.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/ship.jpg]
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Invalid image or bad permissions [http://www.oxeyegames.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/adventure.jpg]
Notice that we forgot to hide the adventure button, but trying to start an adventure will not work and will generate a bunch of error messages. This is known. It is not supposed to work yet.
Hi! We have updated Cobalt to v114 and this time aside from the bug fixes and tweaks (among other things fixing a horrible memory leak which caused the game to slow down to a crawl after some time of playing), we have mainly been working on things for adventure. This means that most of the things new, you will not really notice yet. These things include hulls, lots and lots of tiles, worlds with connected instances of stages and adventure with logic for everything related to the progress of that.
You will notice hulls here and there which we added for fun in some maps, just to see how they work in practice.

The added tiles are not used in any of the current maps, but here is a sneak peak of what is to come:

Behind the scenes footage of some of the new editing stuff:

Hit the jump for the full change log:
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September 18th, 2012
We updated to v112 without telling anyone because we found some bugs right after we uploaded. So this is the changelog for both 112 and 113!
We have now updated Cobalt again, and this time it is mainly a bug-fixing update. The main progress that has been made is on the adventure stuff which is still not part of the alpha just yet.
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August 28th, 2012
Hi again!
We have updated Cobalt again! Hit the jump for the full change-log!

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August 21st, 2012
This is only a tiny hotfix for the shop-buying crash in v109. Lets hope this is the last fatal bug now!
- Fixed buying stuff in shops crash.
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August 21st, 2012
Hi again! v108 brought in a really nasty bug that has been affecting many people. Thank you very much for your patience and understanding with the fact that this game is still heavily in development! While we always try to keep bugs at a minimum, realistically there will probably be more in the future. So thank you again for your understanding!
Aside from fixing the instability in v108, v109 adds a number of changes.
Rail weapons have now matured into a more finished shape and are starting to feel like a worthy part of the game. Another big change is that regular bullets, like slugger bullets and matter shots will no longer collide with each other, but instead only with explosives and throwables. This reduces the annoyance certain situations where auto-aim would aim at things you absolutely did not want to shoot at and I feel has made combat less confusing. We have also rebalanced all aim-ranges for guns to that they better match their effective range and improved the usage of scopes.
hit the jump for the full change-log!
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August 16th, 2012
Hi again! This is a small update with mainly bug fixes for v107! Hit the jump for the full change-log!
Edit: v108 added a new crash related to touching active tiles. I have fixed this and some other things, but please post all crash error screenshots you get (can be found in the cobalt directory) and send them to us so that we can include fixes for those before v109 which should be asap!
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August 14th, 2012
Hi everyone! It is time for another Cobalt update! Start the launcher and update or head over to PlayCobalt.com to download the latest!

This version has lots of bugs fixes, alterations and new content in it. We have been working on this for quite some time, and while it contains a lot, it also contains a great deal of behind the scenes work in preparation for the previously called campaign – adventure mode. We don’t have anything fun to show from the campaign stuff in this version, but much of the work we are doing should shine through in the new maps, the new polish and the new features.
Dont forget to post bugs at http://getsatisfaction.com/cobalt or discuss the game at http://www.cobaltforum.net/
Join us in the channel #cobalt on espernet on IRC if you want to chat!
Hit the jump for the full change-log!
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July 18th, 2012
Hello friends!
When we decided we would start with pre-orders and alpha access for Cobalt we had only one concern – that every now and then we would not be able to update as often as we or you, the community, would like to. Right from the start we knew we had one such hurdle to overcome – getting Cobalt ready for the single player/co-op campaign.
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