Harvest Update, Version 1.03

April 2nd, 2008, Harvest, Reviews, Updates & Patches

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It’s time for the first “Harvest: Massive Encounter” update. The new version is numbered 1.03, and is a non-crucial patch that fixes some errors. In other words, if you don’t have any problems with the current version, you don’t need to download this. The fix list:

  • A weird crash bug before “Game Over” which occurred with the OpenGL renderer. This is one of those bugs that make me believe that there’s more to programming than bits and bytes. Somebody or something is out there to get us. Anyway, we added a redundant and “unnecessary” fix, and it seems to work…
  • Removed the gamepad controller from the main game since it caused problems for some people. You can still play with a gamepad in the “easter egg” (check the forums for more info).
  • On the Mac, files are now stored in your user folder instead of the system folder. This should solve some problems people reported on Leopard.

So… here’s the Mac OS X updater for registered users (2 MB). Open the dmg and run the patcher, then simply drag and drop the Harvest application on to the patcher’s window. Simple and elegant, huh? :) We have also updated the demo version, of course. You find it on the downloads page.

The Windows update is available here (1 MB). This patcher requires a previous installation of Harvest, simply use the same application folder when you run it. As above, the demo has been updated and is available from the downloads page.

Update: We’ve patched the patcher now ;) Please try again :)
Hit the jump for more Harvest-related news…

Harvest in the media

Harvest has been added to GamersGate. It’s very exciting, hopefully we will do well over there. At least we’ve already received a very positive review! :)

Two Swedish sites have revieved Harvest, we got 7 of 10 at Level7.nu and 4 of 5 at FZ.se (a video review)! Very nice! We were also nominated game of the week at Bright.nl, and received a 85 of 100 score in PC Gameplay Magazine!

We also got mentioned at TIGSource.com and RockPaperShotgun.com, with very positive feedback in the comments sections. We are TIGSource commoners, so we’ll probably write more about them when we get started with the blogging again :)

If you know of any other sites that have written about Harvest, please let us know!


One Response to “Harvest Update, Version 1.03”

  1. Thomas :

    Hi, Patch for OSX is not working for me. Leopard 10.5.2. The program was closed unexpected (dont know the exact english phrase, german language).

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