I won’t put an ‘i’ on Harvest

July 9th, 2008, Gadgets, Game Development, Harvest

Warning: getimagesize(http://www.oxeyegames.com/wp-includes/images/smilies/icon_biggrin.gif) [function.getimagesize]: failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden in /var/www/oxeyegames.com/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/awsompixgallery/pixgallery.php on line 1101
Invalid image or bad permissions [http://www.oxeyegames.com/wp-includes/images/smilies/icon_biggrin.gif]

… but it sure looks cool:

Early version of Harvest on iPhone

Thanks Alex :D


10 Responses to “I won’t put an ‘i’ on Harvest”

  1. Feone :

    nolang error xD? other then that nice job :o

  2. t3h :

    Hey, awesome stuff! What a perfect game for a mobile, though I can see potential problems with the controls. A mobile device is kinda not that good with fast and accurate controlling, so perhaps you should accent the ability to pause the game… I’m sure you’ve already thought of that, though.

    I got a Nokia N95, so if you ever port it to Symbian, lemme know and I’ll beta it for you *wink wink*

    Anyway, great stuff. Keep it up.

  3. Stefan Ernst :

    I doubt it will be coming for Symbian – porting C to Java is more than just a nuisance. >.<

  4. Brent :

    Wow i would get that in a heartbeat!!!
    But same thing with controls i could see it being a little hard. Casue ive used my itouch alot and there are somegames that are still hard to do..

  5. admin :

    The control part is the thing that we will be working hardest on getting right. We will post updates when there is more to show.

  6. Nivekolas :

    oh well
    say goodbye forever
    DoD is dead

  7. Daniel :

    So there’s no chance for an iPhone version ? :(

  8. thewreck :

    Nothing has changed since we posted this image regarding an IPhone version. Not sure what made you think there is no chance of it? Could you clarify?

  9. Liam :

    He means, Thewreck, that there isn’t a chance this could appear in the app-store or Cydia (open-source app-store, for cracked itouch/phones only)

    Plus this would be freakin sweet — I own an iTouch.

  10. phal :

    Would an iphone be able to handle the sheer amount of processing required? It would be pretty cool to zoom in and out using touch screen though :)

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