It’s time for the first “Harvest: Massive Encounter” update. The new version is numbered 1.03, and is a non-crucial patch that fixes some errors. In other words, if you don’t have any problems with the current version, you don’t need to download this. The fix list:
A weird crash bug before “Game Over” which occurred with the OpenGL renderer. This is one of those bugs that make me believe that there’s more to programming than bits and bytes. Somebody or something is out there to get us. Anyway, we added a redundant and “unnecessary” fix, and it seems to work…
Removed the gamepad controller from the main game since it caused problems for some people. You can still play with a gamepad in the “easter egg” (check the forums for more info).
On the Mac, files are now stored in your user folder instead of the system folder. This should solve some problems people reported on Leopard.
So… here’s the Mac OS X updater for registered users (2 MB). Open the dmg and run the patcher, then simply drag and drop the Harvest application on to the patcher’s window. Simple and elegant, huh? We have also updated the demo version, of course. You find it on the downloads page.
The Windows update is available here (1 MB). This patcher requires a previous installation of Harvest, simply use the same application folder when you run it. As above, the demo has been updated and is available from the downloads page.
Update: We’ve patched the patcher now Please try again Hit the jump for more Harvest-related news… has posted a video podcast of Harvest: Massive Encounter. The podcast is made by the Harvest expert Daniel Wolf, known as lupodw in the forums, and shows some useful tips and tricks. The podcast is in German, and can be found here:
Also, Daniel has constantly mocked our attempts to prevent super-high levels in the game. He has challenged me that he’ll reach level 1500 in the release version too, so now there’s a €20 bill at stake. In other words… if you happen to reach level 1499, and the progress bar seems mysteriously stuck… well, that’s why
First impressions of the game are a little bit mixed. At first its all a bit confusing, there’s not much outline as to what you’re supposed to do and what does what. After a short while of figuring this out, Harvest shines. The game is fantastic to play! Finishing your first game you’ll readily want to take in the animated graphs and look over your explorations and weaponry. However, the game soon becomes a little tedious as the game grows ridiculously hard.
Only a week until the release of Harvest: Massive Encounter! We are very excited! The game will be released for Mac OS X and Windows, and launch with support for at least 6 languages (English, Swedish, Portuguese, German, French and Korean). If you plan to buy the game, you better hurry up to get the pre-order discount! We will have this option available up to this Sunday (March 2).
The forums at the Whispers in Akarra hub site are now available. If you are having problems with the game’s source code, or maybe the game itself, you can ask for help there.
Speaking of the source code… If you add new features, bug fixes or simply tweak the source, please let me know! I’d love to see what happens with the project. So far I’ve only heard that the source is “clean”, which sounds good, and the expected “how do I compile?” questions. I hope you will be able to create some cool stuff with the server.
The Korean site covers independent games from all over the world, and has now written a post about our Korean translation of Harvest. Head over there to see two previously unreleased screenshots of Harvest in Korean!
During last year we had an office in a barracks owned by the university. This was a great opportunity for us to try working together in a shared environment. Unfortunately this offer was only available for up to one year, so we had to move out sooner or later (we managed to get an extra two months, muhaha). Since we didn’t want to go back to working from our own appartments, we looked for a new office, and found one not far from where we had been.
Two weeks ago we moved our stuff to the new place and I took pictures. Hit the jump to get it all!
Derek Yu has posted the Independent Games Festival winners over at TIGSource. The grand prize winner is quite surprising, in my opinion, but still very cool! I had vouched for World of Goo, which won two other prizes, or Hammerfall, which had to leave with nothing.
Unfortunately, none of the three Swedish games won anything… better luck next year! Hit the jump for the full list.
During the early years of thewreck’s life (yes I know I’m speaking of myself in third person!), he spent most of his time either making games or playing them.
It all stared a time long ago, in the age of the Amstrad. His father had just sold the tape-version in favor of a diskette version! Oh the joy of basic 1.0 – Many text adventures and fake operating systems later thewreck felt ready to take on his first sprites – and on what system you ask?
On the Atari of course! This is where he made his first acquaintance with Clickteam through their game making environment STOS. It came complete with a lovely scripting language and a sprite editor! In it he made many feeble attempts including the legendary ninja game where the shuriken was on the same sprite as the character (what was he thinking really?)…