June 5th, 2013, Cobalt, Game Development, thewreck
Here follows a couple of videos I posted on my youtube channel from the development of Cobalt v121 Alpha. Some of them showcase interesting bugs, other show off new features! Read the descriptions to find out more!
Hit the jump to watch them!
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May 10th, 2013, Game Development, Map Editor, thewreck
Hi again! The last update was some time ago now, too long in fact! This is not a post to announce a new update, but to give some insight into what is going on.
Hit the jump for the full read.
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March 22nd, 2013, Cobalt, Game Development, Musings, thewreck
In this post I will talk about:
- Adventure mode!
- Item Comparison
Hit the jump for the full read!
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February 8th, 2013, Cobalt, Updates & Patches
Hello again! Today we uploaded v120! Some bug fixes, minable rocks, and some design adjustments! Hit the jump for the full change log!

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February 7th, 2013, Cobalt, Updates & Patches
It seems that some of the files uploaded were corrupted on upload and will result a whole string of strange bugs! v120 tomorrow!
We updated Cobalt to v119 today with some new stuff and some bug fixes! We added a new actor and lots of new locks! Hit the jump for the full change log!

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January 25th, 2013, Cobalt, Updates & Patches
Hi again!
In this version we have set Direct X as the default renderer again, fixed a bunch of bugs as well as included new tools for finding out why crashes occur. If your game still crashes in this version, we will have a much better ability to locate your specific problem if you locate in your My Documents/Cobalt folder the two files called “log.txt” and “send-me-to-oxeye.dmp”, and send them to errors@oxeyegames.com
Other than that, we have made general bug fixes and improvements, among them hud and sounds for splitscreen. Hit the jump for the full change-log!
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January 20th, 2013, Cobalt, Game Development, Support
Since v116 and v117 we have gotten report about the game crashing for some people!
The most common ones seem to be:
- It crashes right away on startup: This is likely because of opengl being using and your system not working well with it for some reason. This can be solved for now by Right-Clicking the Cobalt shortcut, click properties, and in the “target” field that should contain something like “C:\Program Files\Oxeye Games\Cobalt\Cobalt.exe”, add -directx to the end, so that it now looks like “C:\Program Files\Oxeye Games\Cobalt\Cobalt.exe -directx”.
- Crashing at some random point during a challenge: In v117 we fixed a couple of these issues, and some who had problems with this no longer does. But it seems that for some all problems were not solved. We do not know why it is happening, and we would like to ask the people that are having these problems to clarify their crash report with some more information!
The reason why many of these crashes slip through is because they simply don’t happen on any of our systems. This is the reason why it is extra important that we understand exactly when and why it crashes for you.
To help us help you, these are the things that would really help us when trying to figure out what is wrong:
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January 19th, 2013, Cobalt, Updates & Patches
Hi! Today we released v117 Alpha. It should update normally through the launcher. This includes a bunch of fixes to problems created by v116. The problem where the launcher crashes right away is known but we have not been able to fix it yet. In the meantime, please right click your cobalt shortcut, and in the “target” field, add:
then start the game again.
Hit the jump for the full change log!
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January 17th, 2013, Cobalt, Updates & Patches
v116 Alpha contains some new things which cannot be updated from the auto-updater. To get this version you must use the installer from http://assets.playcobalt.com/CobaltInstaller.exe
Hi everyone! Today we released the v116 alpha update for Cobalt.
This contains a big list of changes and bug fixes. Among the bigger things, we have added a new game mode: Challenge! For it we have added 18 new maps of varying size and difficulty. We have also added a new survival map, and updated some of the ctp and vs maps. Burntcustard also supplied us with a revamped version of the jet fuel dungeon!
For a long time we have been feeling that Cobalt has been lacking good transitional singleplayer gameplay component after tutorial. DM & CTP are more aimed towards playing with friends, and while Survival is fun for the hardcore player, it doesn’t offer a sense of completion nor any significant feeling of progress. This is where challenge mode now comes in. It offers maps in a wide range of difficulty where you can actually complete a map, as well as offering a wider range challenges and goals than just surviving. For us this is a very important component in making Cobalt a more complete game, and once we get the adventure component ready too, we feel that we will have a much more satisfactory sense of progress offered.

Hit the jump for the full change log!
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November 29th, 2012, Cobalt, Competitions, Game Development, IRL Adventures, Indie Life, Map Editor, Mojang, News
I want to thank everyone who showed interest in Cobalt during Minecon 2012! It was a fantastic weekend for us and I really enjoyed helping people around the Cobalt areas. We held our first official 1v1 DM tournament, in which community member Acontin won first place followed by Ivar from Sweden.
The version used at Minecon was v116 ALPHA, and is not yet available for download. Among other things, it featured a new game mode called Challenge. In Challenge, you focus on doing things as fast as possible, like getting from point A to B. Today we created more maps for the mode. Here is a sneak preview:

We have also added local high score lists with epic voice acting feedback by Kinten to all relevant game modes:

Huge thanks to all the volunteers during Minecon that made it all possible!
Thats it for today!
Good night!
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