DaisyMoon Application
From OxeyeWiki
The DaisyMoon application is the program that contains the Daisy engine and executes the Lua scripts. The application has some global settings and shortcuts that can't be modified from the scripts.
Contents |
Application Shortcuts
- Alt+F4 (Ctrl+Q on MacOS X) quits the game. You can also quit the game from Lua by calling exitGame.
- Ctrl+R resets the game and forces it to unload and reload all Lua scripts.
Application Settings
DaisyMoon reads settings from daisyMoon.cfg before running any Lua scripts. Modify this file if you want to setup things before Lua is started. Currently available settings are:
- screenWidth and screenHeight the window's resolution.
- fullscreen set this to 1 if the game should start in fullscreen.
The configuration file looks like this:
settings { screenWidth = 1024; screenHeight = 768; fullscreen = 0; }
As you can see, this is not a Lua table.
Application Versions
Various Beta Versions
A number of beta versions was released with the early prototypes, such as House Globe and Because it's fun, Fay.