DrawText (Harvest)

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harvest.drawText(string, x, y[, alignment[, r, g, b[, a]]])

Adds a text line to the render queue. These texts are drawn after the game, but before all other GUI. The 'alignment' parameter can either be 0 for left-, 1 for center- or 2 for right-aligned. RGBA parameters are given in the range from 0 to 255, and defaults to full opaque white color.

Parameter Expected Type Description
string A string The text to draw.
x An integer The x coordinate.
y An integer The y coordinate.
alignment An integer The alignment of the text, 0 is left-, 1 is center- and 2 is right-aligned.
a An integer The text color's alpha component, 0 is min and 255 is max.
r An integer The text color's red component, 0 is min and 255 is max.
g An integer The text color's green component, 0 is min and 255 is max.
b An integer The text color's blue component, 0 is min and 255 is max.

Returns nothing.

Harvest Library


   harvest.drawText("Timer is now: " .. timer, 100, 100, 0, 255, 255, 0, 255)
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